KPI’s & Quality Work matter for Employers instead time-punching: Survey 

The poll was done in February 2024, and the report is based on the opinions of approximately 5,000 employers. The evolving nature of workplace productivity evaluation is examined in the study. KPI's & Quality Work matter for Employers instead time-punching.

KPI's & Quality Work matter for Employers instead time-punching: Survey 

Is business focusing on time recording, or is it something else, in the surrounding fervor of companies’ demands for employees to work from home? Indeed, it is about KPI results with high-quality work; this was also proven by a recent survey.


The leading job and professional networking site in India,, has released comprehensive research that provides insights and trends into labor productivity assessment.


The poll was done in February 2024, and the report is based on the opinions of approximately 5,000 employers. The evolving nature of workplace productivity evaluation is examined in the study.


The objective of this initiative was to delve into how employers gauge productivity, implement strategies to prevent employee burnout, and utilize methods to reduce distractions and improve focus during working hours.


Outcome of the Survey

Seven out of ten companies now place a higher priority on quality work and key performance indicators (KPIs), including fulfilling targets and finishing projects, as the main measures of productivity, departing from the traditional techniques of evaluating employees through time and attendance tracking. In light of the need to manage 70-hour workweeks in order to promote development and output.


1. Optimizing efficiency with breaks

Ninety percent of companies acknowledge the importance of breaks in increasing productivity, according to the report. Moreover, 13% particularly place emphasis on facilitating frequent breaks and leaves, indicating a commitment to fostering a healthy work environment and raising productivity by realizing the value of leisure time and work-life balance.

2. Employer Outlook: Remote Work vs. Office Presence

The survey also shows that 60% of businesses think workers are generally more productive when they work from the office. This is a substantial change in employer preferences from prior patterns where remote work was more common. This change indicates a preference for high-quality labor over mere presence.


Only 12% of respondents to the survey supported entirely remote work. The most productive approach, according to about 28% of respondents, is a hybrid model that combines in-office and remote work. This shows how different people feel about the productivity of different work arrangements, with a notable preference for traditional office-based work and a growing acceptance of hybrid models.


3. Employers’ strategy for boosting productivity

According to the survey, seven out of ten employers think that a hostile work atmosphere and inadequate communication lower productivity within a company.


In addition, 34% emphasize the significance of acknowledging accomplishments, and over 42% of employers concentrate on creating a supportive work culture to prevent burnout. The aforementioned tactics are designed to establish an atmosphere that fosters both efficiency and job contentment.


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