Workplace Predictions that Shaping the Workspace in 2025 and Beyond
Overall, we’ve had a 25% increase in the number of counseling sessions people have taken; as a concern, mental health is the fastest-rising issue for employee to seek counseling (18% increase since last year) as compared to other concerns, whether that was personal, self-development, relationship, or marriage-related.

In 2024, we saw a significant increase in mental health conversations within the corporate space, with employee well-being and mental health becoming major focal points. As we begin 2025, 1to1Help has compiled its predictions for the year, emphasizing the anticipated rise in conversations around shaping the workplace in 2025:
- Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
- Gender and cohort-based solutions to deal with wellbeing-related issues at the workspace.
- The need for digital life balance and how increased screen time is becoming a concern for many
- Onsite operations over remote operations
Let’s look at how the workplace landscape will be shaped in the year forward.
Emotional well-being & mental health:
Emotional well-being & mental health will continue to rise as an issue that employees are facing that needs to be proactively addressed. This is evident from the growth we’ve seen in our data this year vis-à-vis last year. Overall, we’ve had a 25% increase in the number of counseling sessions people have taken; as a concern, mental health is the fastest-rising issue for people to seek counseling (18% increase since last year) as compared to other concerns, whether that was personal, self-development, relationship, or marriage-related. In addition, there’s been a 66% increase in the number of people indicating high distress, which means more and more that investments, policy changes, and interventions are required to help employees better cope with distress and large changes, whether they are organizational (mergers/acquisitions, restructuring/retrenchment/layoffs/hiring) or societal (AI, pandemic).
Gender- & cohort-based solutions:
We’ve seen an increase in organizations choosing to invest in care for new parents, particularly mothers. In the cohort we cover (which has increased fivefold in the last year alone), the reach out for counselling is highest in the third trimester, early parenthood, and return to work. Parents are struggling with work-life balance, lack of support at home or at work, returning to work, nursing, and a lack of sleep.
Outside of parenting, although women do disproportionately seek out help for concerns, more men are seeking help this year vis-à-vis last year, which is great and indicates an improved help-seeking behaviour. There’s also an upward trend in more young people seeking help, which means awareness is on the rise.
We predict that investments in DEI and in cohorts such as GenZ and managers would only increase and help enable organizations to improve their wellbeing.
While we don’t collect data on the number of people we cover who are remote or hybrid, what we have seen is a large increase in the number of organizations seeking in-person engagement. 63% of the events we conducted were on sponsor locations, up manifold from last year. So organizations seem to have increased engagements for employees at the office, and this may continue into the next year.
Everyone is struggling with screen time. 50% of participants in our digital health assessment often struggled to maintain a balance between their digital and non-digital lives. For every 100 individuals, only 3 (3%) had a high digital life balance while the majority had a mild to low balance. This will likely become further exacerbated in 2025 and is worth taking care of at an individual, organizational, and societal level. For further insights into the evolving workplace paradigm, visit
- Workplace Predictions that Shaping the Workspace in 2025 and Beyond - January 13, 2025