ESIC Sickness Benefits Extended to Cover 34 Specified Diseases in Cash Compensation

Under ESIC benefits, payment of illness benefit is given to the insured person at the rate of 70 percent of average daily wages for 91 days in two constitutive beneficial periods when a minimum contribution of 78 days has been paid in a contribution period
The sickness benefits extended to 34 specified long terms diseases for two years of continuous insurable employment a minimum of 124 days and may extend upto two years


  • ESIC Extended sickness benefits to cover more specified diseases.
  • Enhanced benefits for sterilization 100% of average wages.
  • Covered involuntary loss of employment.
  • Extended benefits for 124 days with 80% payment.

SIC Sickness Benefits Extended to Cover 34 Specified Diseases in Cash Compensation 


Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), one of the two world largest social security body, has extednded ESIC Sickness Benefits to cover 34 long-terms specified diseases in form of cash compensation for insured benefishary.

The sickness benefits are provided in the form of periodic cash payments under the ESI scheme to an insured employee during the period of certified sickness, requiring medical treatment and abstention from work on medical grounds.

The Sickness benefit is provided at the rate of 70% of the daily average wage paid under the scheme for 91 days during two consecutive benefit periods, as follows:

11st March to 30th September.1st January to 3oth June.
21st Oct to 31st March of the year following.1st July to 31st December.

The ESIC tweeted from its official Twitter Handle stating, “Sickness Benefit in the form of cash compensation at the rate of 70 percent of wages is payable to insured workers during the periods of certified sickness for a maximum of 91 days in a year.”

Under the Extended Sickness Benefit, benefit is extended to provide to an Insured Person (IP) for any of the 34 listed specific long-term diseases, like TB, Cancer, and other malignant diseases requiring prolonged treatment.

The rate of Extended Sickness Benefit covers 80% of the average daily wage at the maximum, which is initially payable for a period of 124 days and is extendable up to two years on medical advice.

The Enhanced Sickness Benefit will be computed as equal to full wages and is payable to the insured persons undergoing sterilization for 7 days or 14 days for insured male and female workers, respectively.

The Employees’ State Insurance Scheme facilitate following benefits:

UN-EMPLOYMENT ALLOWANCELOSS OF JOB DOESN’T MEAN LOSS OF INCOMEMonthly cash allowance for a duration of maximum 24 months
DEPENDANTS’ BENEFITTHOSE WHO DEPEND ON YOU ALSO HAVE US TO DEPEND ONMonthly payment apportioned among dependants in case of death
MATERNITY BENEFITWELCOME YOUR BABY WELCOME YOU BENEFITS100% of average daily wages in cash up to 26 weeks
SICKNESS BENEFITSICK LEAVE IS NOT LEAVE OF EARNINNG70% of average daily wages in cash during medical leave, upto 91 days 
MEDICAL BENEFITSESIC CARE OF YOUR MEDICAL NEEDSProvides reasonable Medical Care for self and family from day one 

The Employees’ State Insurance Scheme is an integrated measure of social insurance embodied in the Employees’ State Insurance Act and it is designed to accomplish the task of protecting ’employees’ as defined in the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. Visit to official website of “ESIC” for more details 

ESIC’s insurance and benefits scheme protects Insured person against sickness, maternity, disablement, and death as a result of a work-related injuries, as well as provides medical care to insured employees and their families.

Koshal Bhattacharya

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