IT union accuses TCS of stopping pay to 900 staff

The IT employee union Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES) stated that TCS had "unethically stopped the salaries of employees who are opposing these forced transfers," 
IT union accuses TCS of stopping pay to 900 staff

IT union accuses TCS of stopping pay to 900 staff and sudden transfers of employees

In just a few months after threatening to fire over 2,000 workers, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is said to have stopped paying over 900 workers’ salaries for refusing to follow the company’s rules. The announcement of the Maharashtra labor department summoning firm leaders over “unexplained” transfers has brought attention to the development.


The IT employee union Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES) stated that TCS had “unethically stopped the salaries of employees who are opposing these forced transfers,” despite emails to the business receiving no response. NITES vehemently denounces TCS’s unethical practices of pressuring workers to accept forced transfers or quit. The corporation is not taking into account the stress, worry, family disturbance, and financial hardship that these forced migrations put employees through.


About thirty TCS employees spoke to the media and expressed dissatisfaction over not being assigned any specific assignments in the places they were expected to go. Due to their inability to complete the time sheet on the company portal, Ultimatix, a few employees were only paid Rs. 6,000 for the month of December. They said the company had disabled their ability to use the portal.


“This is with reference to your transfer order to TCS Mumbai, followed by the transfer email directing you to report to the said branch within 14 days and complete your transfer process,” said an email sent to one of the impacted employees. It has been observed, notwithstanding, that you have not yet reported to the moved branch.

It continues, “The company is commencing a stoppage of your salary with immediate effect due to your failure to report to the transferred site and offer your services, even after 14 days of the stipulated timetable. Because of your persistent disobedience to corporate directives and violations of your employment contract, the company is taking additional disciplinary action against you.


The concerned worker, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, “After our project encountered some financial difficulties, we were put on the bench for roughly three to four months.” I wasn’t assigned an assignment at that time; instead, I was instructed to go to another place. How does the company care whether I sit on the bench in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, or Mumbai?


Another affected employee said, on condition of anonymity, “In every location, the company has bench strength. So, why have we been sent to other locations just to be on the bench? We have joined TCS at this level of salary, considering the cost of living in our base location. It will be a raw deal for us to go to a bigger city that has a higher cost of living and lacks family support.”

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