Non-Traditional Hiring: How Companies are Creating Differences Amidst the Talent War
According to a recent report, 73 percent of companies successfully hire talent via social media, with 93 percent of companies using LinkedIn for recruitment, 66 percent using Facebook, and 54 percent using Twitter. The report also stated that 85 percent of working professionals are open to switching jobs globally.
The pre-pendamic job and business market was flourishing, but by ending 2022, most companies have been through a hard-hitting pendamic, the greate resignation and talent war never expected. This effectively brought recruiter’s attentions to non-traditional sources for talent hire.
Unlikely, the traditional recruiting, which leverage print media advertisements, employment agencies internal and refferal hiring, the non- triditional hiring harnessess Artificial Intellegence, social and professionals media networks to tap cold talent zone.
A report by The Pipeline states that 73 percent of companies successfully hire talent via social media, with 93 percent of companies using LinkedIn for recruitment, 66 percent using Facebook, and 54 percent using Twitter. The report also stated that 85 percent working professionals are open to switching jobs globally.
The organizations experienced 18 percent higher revenue and 30 percent greater profitability after incorporating artificial intelligence and other technology tools into their Talent Acquisition process. reported by Bersin.
Now, companies are taking numerous initiatives to strengthen diversity recruiting, and hire hidden and untapped talent.
Companies, on the other hand, rarely focus on people’s potential rather than intellectual potential. As as instance, last year Elon Musk, Twitted that the Tesla new manufacturing plnat will hire 10, 000 workforce through 2022 and those will be non- graduates.
Diversity Recruiting Helping Companies
A delloitte study found that employee’s ability to innovate increased by 83 percent when they felt their organisation was committed to diversity.
Employers need to invest in diversity to find the best talent, among underrepresented job seekers. Hence, the underrepresented job seekers also believe in it.
Through diversity hiring, Unisys India’s, talent acquisition team interviewed more than 700 women for various positions in the organization and has extended more than 130 offers, stated Avneet Hora, Senior Director-HR, Unisys India.
Unisys India, launched the UMelange program, which focuses on enhancing gender diversity among new hires. The programme grown 5 percent since it’s inception in 2021. The company has long been committed to equal opportunities for women and has increased gender diversity for new hires from 22 percent in 2010 to 40 percent in 2022.
Mahindra Logistics, Vice President-HR, Edwin Lobo, stated that Mahindra Logistics is committed to creating and leveraging the strengths of a diverse talent pool, including from the LGBTQ+ community. The company’s diversity hiring rate is at 15 % for the current fiscal year. However, given the challenges this industry faces as a predominately male career sector with few women opting in, Edwin Lobo stated that this is no small feat.
Lobo believes that the company’s action- oriented initiatives have ranged from gender sensitization, fast-tracked career opportunities for the development of hi-potential women, focused policies to retain women employees and a wing that supports LGBTQI Employees.
Pine Labs, has initiated the seconf inning program, which is an initiative to reskill and deploy retired athletes in India. The company has partnered with NSF (Natekar Sports and Fitness) to hire former Indian athletes.
Finserv has initiated the Veteran Hiring Initiative, which is focused on hiring retired military veterans with a technology background. The company enables them to pursue alternate careers after serving in the armed forces.
Internal Hiring Easing Retention
Godrej & Boyce focuses on talent development to build a strong and competent talent pipeline, which should continue to positively contribute to the organization.
Godrej & Boyce have placed great importance on upskilling and currently having over 40 training modules in leadership and functional areas, along with a learning redpository of more than 510 external courses for employees to make them stay competitive with the industry stated by Harpreet Kaur, SVP & Head- Corporate Personal & Admin.
As now more and more companies are realising the value of diversity hiring and meeting their upskilling needs, their talent hiring and talent development drives are likely to witness further innovations.
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