CHRO’s blueprint for the future forward: HR Tech & Talent Trends shaping 2024

The workforce priorities of 2024—balancing growth, bridging skill gaps, and enhancing experiences through future technologies like Gen AI—must be addressed in light of this forward-looking strategy.
CHRO's blueprint for the future forward: HR Tech & Talent Trends shaping 2024

Nowadays, CHROs are seen as the organization’s worldwide growth accelerators, coordinating HR procedures with the needs of a diverse and inclusive workplace as well as growth success.


The workforce priorities of 2024—balancing growth, bridging skill gaps, and enhancing experiences through future technologies like Gen AI—must be addressed in light of this forward-looking strategy.


In order to tackle these problems, on March 31, 2024, the HRTech & Talent Virtual Conference 2024 was introduced by People Manager-HR Magazine, an up-and-coming HR publication that explores the new objectives for HR professionals around the nation. Leading HR think tanks will offer their perspectives on how CHROs should prepare to address important issues, guaranteeing expansion and the development of a strong workforce that is in sync with talent and technology.


The conference covered the five realities of CHRO’s work challenges in 2024, enabling HRTech:


  • HR & AI: What’s Possible, What’s Practical, & What You Should Implement (Or Not!)


  • Unlocking Next-Gen HR Tech to drive the best EX


  • The Blueprint for Mastering HR Tech Implementation


  • The New Mandate For CHROs in 2024: Talent Mobility, Learning & Development, Career Progression, Recruitment process & Technology Advances


  • Solving The Talent Equation: Innovation, Value & Growth

Here are some key takeaways participants will get from the conference:

Balancing act: Growth vs. Reality

The CHROs’ top priority is striking a balance between the need to achieve strong growth and the ever-more complex business environment. Budgets are being squeezed by increasing client acquisition expenses, broken supply chains, and declining profitability. This paradox—having limited resources while needing to achieve ambitious growth targets—is a major concern for CHROs.


Investing in skills: learning without a roadmap?

According to some of the most recent studies, CHROs should concentrate on developing leadership pipelines (62%), as well as using technology to enhance the employee experience (38%). But a gap emerges between development and training. Only 28% of respondents provided employees with clear career routes, despite 74% of respondents reporting greater investment in digital learning resources. The absence of clarity surrounding career advancement may impede the motivation and engagement of employees.

Harnessing AI: Appetite exceeds readiness

The potential of artificial intelligence to boost operations and spur growth is becoming more widely known. The influence AI will have on their organizations is acknowledged by nearly half of the CHROs questioned. Still, there’s a difference between knowing AI’s advantages and knowing how to use them well. The survey shows that there is a need to invest in developing internal capabilities because there is a lack of preparedness to handle AI solutions.


Building a blueprint for success

The HR Tech & Talent Conference 2024 doesn’t just identify challenges; it is offering a starting point for building a blueprint for success in the tech-enabled HR work of the world.


Here are some key takeaways from CHRO’s:

  • Focus on creative solutions: managing limits and balancing growth needs for imaginative problem-solving. Investigate fresh approaches to cut expenses, boost productivity, and locate different talent sources.
  • Bridge the learning-career gap: Provide clear career options that make use of the recently gained abilities, rather than merely providing training. This will improve staff retention and morale.
  • Prepare for AI integration:  Plan how you’re going to incorporate AI into your business. Make an investment in educating your staff and developing internal knowledge to handle AI solutions efficiently.

By addressing these top priorities, CHROs can navigate the uncertainties of 2024 and position their organizations for sustainable growth with this conference.

Register for the Conference Here



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