‘Career Kundali’: a New Way to Maps Employee Destiny

“Career Kundali started as an experiment. Now, it’s evolving into a leadership development programme as well, building a strong second line while empowering individuals to chart their own course.” -Sunder Natarajan, CHRO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance
'Career Kundali': a New Way to Maps Employee Destiny

Lost at sea, with no map or compass to guide them, many employees drift aimlessly through their careers. But at IndiaFirst Life Insurance, a unique programme called ‘Career Kundali’ is tossing them a lifeline. Inspired by the ancient practice of astrological charts, Career Kundali creates a personalized roadmap for each employee, guiding them towards their professional goals.


The Genesis of Career Kundali

The brainchild of Sunder Natarajan, the company’s CHRO, Career Kundali began with a spark of curiosity. His pioneering spirit led to the creation of a programme that is now a cornerstone of employee development at IndiaFirst.


The Power of Visualization

The programme hinges on the power of visualisation. Through an exercise called ‘dipstick’, employees take a deep dive into their aspirations, gaining clarity on their desired career trajectory. This self-reflection forms the foundation of their personal ‘kundali’ – a unique career horoscope that charts their individual course.


More Than Just Self-Reflection

Career Kundali isn’t just about navel-gazing. It utilizes a treasure trove of tools to help employees, align their passions with their career plans. The programme employs goal-setting exercises, SWOT analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), and motivational assessments to uncover the employee’s inner compass.


A Comprehensive Skill Framework

Next, these insights are woven into a comprehensive skill framework. This multi-layered map encompasses a vast array of essential skills, venturing beyond just technical expertise. Simple self-awareness exercises further illuminate individual strengths and passions, ensuring no hidden talents go unnoticed.


Personalized Roadmap

By overlaying personal goals onto this intricate framework, the programme creates a personalised roadmap. It acts as a beacon, highlighting developmental gaps and guiding employees towards their desired destination. Career Kundali doesn’t simply tell them where they are; it empowers them to see where they want to go.


Bridging Aspirations and Actions

Crucially, the programme doesn’t end with self-discovery. It fosters crucial conversations between employees and managers, acting as a bridge between individual aspirations and real-world action. These discussions are as unique as the employees themselves, customized to each person’s context.


Career Funnels

Imagine an ambitious risk manager. Their ‘career funnel’ may start with a path towards becoming the head of risk, followed by a strategic detour to acquire Six Sigma certification, a powerful tool in business excellence. Their long-term vision could involve venturing into compliance or internal audit, perhaps even steering the ship of operations—the possibilities are endless. The path may not be a straight line; it might involve strategic lateral moves to gain well-rounded experience.


Similarly, an underwriting manager might set their sights on becoming a chief operating officer, charting a course that equips them with expertise in claims and customer service along the way. These career funnels’ are mapped out early, ensuring employees develop the necessary skills and experience to reach their ultimate destination.


Adapting to Evolving Goals

IndiaFirst understands that career paths are rarely set in stone. The company actively monitors and adapts Career Kundali plans to reflect evolving goals and aspirations. “The ownership rests with the individual,” emphasizes Natarajan, “but managers are there to provide continuous support and gentle nudges.”


Regular Check-ins

Regular check-ins ensure employees stay on track. These conversations delve into the impact of interventions, such as completed courses, to assess their benefit for both the employee and the organization.


Measuring Success

The programme’s success is measured not by hunches, but by hard data. Key metrics such as internal job applications, transfers, promotion rates, and employee satisfaction scores serve as a compass, guiding the programme’s evolution. To maintain its efficacy, IndiaFirst actively manages Career Kundali, ensuring employees receive ongoing support throughout their voyage.


Continuous Feedback

Feedback is the programme’s lifeblood. Every six months, an automated system gently reminds employees to provide input via email and interactive chats. Biannual ‘catch-up’ sessions, separate from performance appraisals, gather valuable insights for course correction. Managers are encouraged to document these discussions in a ‘black book’,” a treasure trove of information for future reference.


This continuous dialogue ensures a smoother career journey, minimizing surprises during performance reviews or internal job applications. It removes friction from the process, creating a streamlined path for professional development.


The Evolution of Career Kundali

“Career Kundali started as an experiment,” says Natarajan, a hint of pride in his voice. “Now, it’s evolving into a leadership development programme as well, building a strong second line, empowering individuals to chart their own course.”



IndiaFirst’s Career Kundali programme stands as a beacon in the corporate world, a testament to an organization that prioritizes employee development and growth. By providing a structured yet adaptable framework for career planning, the programme empowers employees to navigate the seas of their careers, ensuring a future filled with both personal and professional fulfillment.

Stay tuned, to PropleManager.co.in for further updates on the evolving workplace paradigm.        


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