Google Employees Must Expect More Job Cuts in 2024: Sundar Pichai 

Sundar Pichai: Google will be implementing another round of layoffs affecting hundreds of workers in its advertising sales division. The company plans to implement these layoffs globally.
Google Employees Must Expect More Job Cuts in 2024: Sundar Pichai 

Google Employees Must Expect More Job Cuts in 2024, Sundar Pichai warns the employees to be prepared for the exit. 

In an internal memo on Wednesday, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, allegedly warned staff members to anticipate additional layoffs this year. Pichai reportedly spoke to every Google employee: “We have ambitious goals and will be investing in our big priorities this year,” according to a report published by The Verge. “The reality is that to create the capacity for this investment, we have to make tough choices,” he stated, discussing the difficult decisions the tech giant will have to make going forward.


Pichai said that not all of the teams would be impacted by the role eliminations, nor would they be implemented on the same timeline as the cutbacks from the previous year. “However, I understand how tough it is to witness colleagues and groups affected,” he continued.


The CEO of the IT Giant of the digital industry added that “removing layers to simplify execution and drive velocity in some areas” was the reason behind Google’s layoffs this year. Additionally, he affirmed that, in line with the report, more “role eliminations” will take place this year.


According to an internal message obtained by The Verge, he stated, “Many of these changes are already announced, though to be upfront, some teams will continue to make specific resource allocation decisions throughout the year where needed, and some roles may be impacted.”


In the meantime, Google said on Tuesday that it will be implementing another round of layoffs affecting hundreds of workers in its advertising sales division. The company plans to implement these layoffs globally. Furthermore, the business announced last week that it was going to fire a number of staff members from its augmented reality team, hardware teams that work on Fitbit, Pixel, and Nest, and voice assistant units.


Tough times for the technology sector do not seem to end soon, as every day there is a fresh announcement of layoffs by some of the biggest tech companies around the world.

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