Four ways to re-engage employees who have checked out at work: an Expert insight

To re-engage quitting employees, offer clear objectives, set achievable goals, reward successes, recognize arduous work and be open to feedback from employees; all these steps will help to build trust and motivate them to stay engaged with their roles.
Four ways to re-engage employees who have checked out at work: an Expert insight

4 ways to re-engage employees who have checked out at work, what HR leaders can do, and expert insight

How do you handle resignations or workers who deliberately stop showing up for work? This phrase is a worry for all businesses worldwide. The global workplace trends are where quiet resignation and loud going out are prevalent.


What steps can companies or HR leaders take in this scenario to get workers who have checked out of work back on board?


Here are some tips from experts for business and HR professionals on how to inspire and revitalize their workforce.

Start by getting a pulse on your team’s wellbeing

Many workers who were stressed and burned out in their personal and professional lives during the pandemic have made mental health a priority. It is advisable for employers to carry out pulse surveys or pose a short series of questions to gauge employee satisfaction and see if it has changed over time.


Being open and honest about the outcomes is one of the most important aspects of these surveys. In particular, leaders must accept responsibility for problems that haven’t been handled in the past and be forthright about any shortcomings. In the event that management is unable or unwilling to resolve a concern brought up, they must clarify their stance.


Additionally, we constantly advocate for companies to hold regular talks with their staff. You might inquire about the following: What are your thoughts about your role? Regarding your future with the company, how do you feel? What is your opinion of the company?


We think scaling questions are really important. Employees should be asked to rate their level of comfort with the organization’s current state on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing their level of discomfort and 10 representing tremendous comfort. Inquire about how they can advance one or two points up the scale if they return with anything less than an eight. Engaging in these discussions in person or via Zoom also enables you to observe nonverbal cues and adjust your response appropriately.


There must be a culture where workers feel safe and understood in order for them to open up during surveys and conversations. During work hours, managers ought to foster employee autonomy and allocate time for team-building activities, outings, and non-work-related interactions with their teams, all of which take place away from desks, screens, and boardrooms.


Encourage employees to write personal mission statements

We strongly support companies requesting that their staff members create personal purpose statements. An employee’s ideals, identity, and definition of success are all outlined in their personal mission statement. The employee can then use it to connect with their “why” and set goals for their current role, as well as foresee their future at the organization.


Simultaneously, a company can start attempting to figure out how to make the employees’ mission and values feel connected to what’s happening within the company, giving them a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Companies’ bottom lines gain as well when workers feel their leaders establish clear standards and have a clear sense of purpose for them at work.


In one instance I worked on, the recruiting team found applicants who were totally devoted to their positions and in line with the company’s values by using personal mission statements in the hiring process.


Reset expectations

In a recent quiet-quit situation I worked on, management had to reevaluate expectations because there was culpability on both sides.


The manager took the worker aside for a meeting and went over their job description, emphasizing the aspects of it that they were doing well and those that they needed improvement on. The employee replied that they didn’t understand why participating actively in group activities was a part of their employment when they were asked why that was the case. The employee was more inclined to become more active when the impact of that obligation on the business and its clients was explained.


It took around six months in this instance, which is a respectable amount of time, for things to improve. Employers may believe that’s too long to invest in this case, but you should take the employee’s legacy and institutional expertise into account if they’ve been there for a long time.


Learn to step back and lead with empathy

All leaders may improve at controlling their impulse to respond right away. It is preferable to pause and consider a matter carefully before answering.


Let’s say a worker requests a day off close to a deadline. “What can I do at the moment to be there as support and to check in with the individual to see if there’s something truly going on?” is a better question to ask than to react negatively.


By adopting a sympathetic stance, you can establish credibility. People will start to be more forthcoming with you as you gain their trust. As a skill that can be cultivated, emotional intelligence is not something that you are either born with or not.


We suggest addressing interpretation and assumptions as one empathy exercise. Sometimes people only see a situation from one perspective; therefore, we come up with five different angles to consider.


It also takes stepping outside your comfort zone to develop empathy. Active listening, meditation, and community service are among the beneficial exercises.

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